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1.Zhengqing Du,Kun Tian.Effect of ytterbium on sodium current and its kinetics in rat hippocampal neurons.科学通报59(2014) 625-629.

2.Zhengqing Du, Lijuan Wang. Effects of SO2Derivatives on Calcium Channels in DRG Neurons.环境科学研究25(2012)1161-1168

3.Zhengqing Du, Pin Yang. A Comparative Study on La3+, Gd3+and Yb3+Modulation of Potassium Currents and Induction Apoptosis in Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons.Journal of Chinese Rare Earths中国稀土学报29(2011)496-503.

4.Wenjie Wu, Ling Zhao,Zhengqing Du. The effect of sulfur dioxide on the potassium channel of rat vascular smooth muscle cells. Acta Biophysica Sinica 27(2011)203-210.

5.Zhengqing Du, Zhuoyu Li, Pin Yang, Wenjie Wu. The toxicity of ytterbium perchlorate in dorsal root ganglion neurons of rats and the influence of it on membrane potassium channels.中国科学B10(2010) 603-609.

6.Zhengqing Du, WJ Wu, YF Zhou. The effects of rises in external K+on the hyperplarization-activated cation currentIhin rat dorsal root ganglion neurons.中国科学B52(2009) 12583-1263.

7.Zhengqing Du,Guoping Lv. Effects of SO2derivatives on sodium currents in acutely isolated rat hippocampal lead-exposed neurons.中国科学C 51 (2008)124-130.

8.Zhengqing Du, Sulfur dioxide derivatives increase a hyperpolarization-activated inward current in dorsal root ganglion neurons.Toxicology239 (2007) 180–185.

9.Zhengqing Du, Ziqiang Meng. Sulfur dioxide derivatives modulation of high-threshold calcium currents in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons.Neuroscience Letters405 (2006) 147–152.

10.Zhengqing Du,Ziqiang Meng. Enhancement of Potassium Currents in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons by sulfur dioxide derivatives.生物物理学报, 22 (2006)1-9(in Chinese).

11.Zhengqing Du, Ziqiang Meng. Modulation of sodium currents in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons by sulfur dioxide.Brain Research1010(2004) 127-133.

12.Zhengqing Du, Ziqiang Meng. Effects of derivatives of sulfur dioxide on transient outward potassium current in acutely isolated hippocampal neurons.Food and Chemical Toxicology42(2004)1211-1216.

13.Zhengqing Du, Ziqiang Meng. Inhibitory effect of lead on sodium currents in acutely isolated rat hippocampal neurons.Chin J Pharmacol Toxicol18(2004)62-65(in Chinese).

14.Zhengqing Du,Ziqiang Meng. The effect of SO2derivatives on transient outwardK+current in acutely dissociated rat hippocampal CA3 neurons,生物物理学报19 (2003)(in Chinese).

15.Zhengqing Du, Ziqiang Meng. Effect of lead on transient outwardK+current and delayed rectifierK+current in acutely dissociated rat hippocampal neurons.中国应用生物学报9(2003)(in Chinese).

16.Cao Sun,Zhengqing Du. Assessment of the health risks on Citizens Caused by PM2.5of Taiyuan.Environmental science. Submitted

17.Jun Wang,Zhengqing Du. Application of a Quantitative Grading Method in Assessing Atmospheric Risks Related to Public Health from a Chemical Industrial Park in Taiyuan, China.Environmental science. Submitted.

18.Zhengqing Du, Pin Yang. Sodium metabisulfitemodulate different types of calcium channels in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. 2007 Dalian Conference on ion channels in technology and drug discovery, Dalian, China, 2007, P-II-56.

19.Zhengqing Du. Enhancement of potassium currents in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons by sulfur dioxide derivatives.Bulletin of International Scientific Surgical Association, 2006,3:16-20.

20.Zhengqing Du, Pin Yang. Effects of La3+on outward K+currents in dorsal root ganglion neurons of rat.The 10thCountrywide Bioinorganic Chemistry Conferences, Xinxiang, Henan Normal University, China,2009, p99.


1.2016.3-2017.3 The study of activity oscillations in pancreatic islets. NIH 2 R01DK046409-18 (PI - Satin), 参与

2.2015.3-2016.2 The study of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy and develop therapies for the treatment. NIH R01 DK078056(PI- Fink), 参与

3.2014年5 稀土引起神经元增殖和凋亡的机制研究,山西省1331工程项目,主持

4.2012.6-2014.6 二氧化硫引起大鼠背根神经节损伤研究,山西省自然科学基金(GrantNo.2012011036-5),主持

5.2010-2013 环境污染的管理与治理, 太阳成tyc7111cc校级科研团队项目,负责人



8.2008.9-2009.9 二氧化硫对血管平滑肌的影响,山西省科技研发项目,主持   


1.二氧化硫和铅的神经毒性研究, 中国环境科学出版社出版,5/2010

2.外源性的物质对哺乳动物的神经毒性研究,中国化学工业出版社出版, 12/2010


1.“二氧化硫对神经细胞和心肌细胞的离子通道损伤研究”, 获山西省科技厅科学技术三等奖,2008

2.“二氧化硫对大鼠背根神经节的影响” ,获山西省教育厅一等奖,2011
