Category: Ayurvedic Care


Wonderful Benefits of Neem

Botanical Name – Azadirachta indica Sanskrit – Nimb , niyaman , netar Hindi – Neem Malayalam – Veppu English – Indian lilac Therapeutic Usage Headache – Juice of neem leaves is extracted and used...

beauty care

Varnya lepam for enhancing complexion

Lepa, the application of paste over a particular part of the body. The skin absorbs the paste through hair roots, sweat pores which provides the required results. For enhancing the beauty of facial skin,...

Fasting and Diet 0

Fasting – A natural cure for many diseases

Fasting is abstinence from certain or all food, drink, or both for a period of time. A study suggests that a person’s entire immune system gets rejuvenated by fasting as it induces the production...